Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Board held on May 3, 2006, at 7:30 p.m., in the Town Offices.


                             PRESENT:   REGINA MANISCALCO, CHAIR

                                                ELI HAUSER, VICE CHAIR

                                                WAYNE BRADLEY, CLERK

                                                ARNOLD COHEN

                                                PAUL LAUENSTEIN

                                                PETER O’CAIN, ASST. TOWN ENGINEER


Business Transacted:


I.Meeting called to order.  The Minutes of the April 5, 2006, meeting were reviewed and accepted with corrections.



II.            INTERVIEWS

Two candidates for the position of Administrative Assistant to the Board were interviewed.




Fred Clark was in on behalf of the applicant asking that the Board release Lots 3 and 4 so that they could use them as “model houses.”  He explained that the applicant was working on road construction and would like to simultaneously start construction on these two homes so that they will be ready to show once the road is in.  They will still need building permits from the Building Inspector.  These two houses will not have sewer, water or electric hook at this time.




                                                                           Administrative Assistant




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Mr. Clark further explained that the road will come on line in about five months.  They had spoken with Town Counsel about this to see if anything structured needed to be done to get these lots released.  They are not looking to sell the lots, just use them as model homes.  Town Counsel said that a separate agreement could be entered into to set out exactly what would be done here, that the applicant was not going to be selling these homes or looking for occupancy permits at this time.  Mr. Clark said that the applicant would be willing to enter into such an agreement.


Mr. Bradley asked if they were going to be hooking up utilities to these homes and Mr. Clark answered that they would not.  They would be putting in the foundation, framework, getting the utilities to the buildings, but not hooking them up until the roadway is complete. 


Mr. O’Cain indicated that Sect. of the Regulations stated that before a lot can be released, the roadway has to be completed.  The roadway has to have at least a binder course, lights and water, so that the Fire Department has water should it be needed.


Mr. Bradley pointed out that it looked like the two lots sat right on top of the ridge that is to be removed.  Since the ridge hasn’t been as yet removed, it appears that the applicant is a way off from being able to do foundation work.  Mr. Clark answered that they still have to go before the Building Inspector to request a building permit for the two houses.  A certificate of occupancy needs to be issued for them to be able to show the houses and they can only be shown once the road is completed. 


Mr. Cohen indicated an agreement might be a good thing to have and suggested their counsel draft it in conjunction with Town Counsel.


Mr. Lauenstein asked if the applicant had had any interaction with the Tree Warden or the abutters regarding the landscaping.  He asked Mr. Clark if the applicant had anything to report regarding the status of the plantings, trees, etc.?  Mr. Clark





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answered that unfortunately, he wasn’t involved in this aspect of the development; he was just standing in for Mr. Mirrione who had to attend a meeting in another Town.  Therefore, he didn’t know the answer to this question.  Ms. Maniscalco asked that Mr. Clark relay this question to Mr. Mirrione and tell him the Board would like to have an answer. 


Mr. Lauenstein then asked how much topsoil would be removed.  Again Mr. Clark said he wasn’t sure, but didn’t believe any topsoil was going to be taken from the site.  It was going to be used to groom the lots. 


Ms. Maniscalco wanted to return to the issue of bonding the street before releasing lots.  Mr. O’Cain answered that that was up to the Board.  If the Board wanted them to post a surety for this part of the subdivision, it is the Board’s right to do so.  He would prefer that the street be bonded.  Mr. Cohen agreed and said that the Board should do everything as thoroughly as possible.  Ms. Maniscalco thought it would be a good idea to bond the street and have the agreement between the applicant and the Board indicating the houses were models only and could not be sold.  The Board members agreed with Ms. Maniscalco.


Mr. Clark was told that the following issues needed to be followed up with:

§         Coordinate landscape plan with Tree Warden and abutters

§         Provide surety information

§         Provide agreement for the model homes

§         Provide information on timing of trucks relative to paving of North Main St.




Mr. Hauser asked to postpone his report on this matter until the next meeting.


V.               OTHER BUSINESS



Morse Street – Mr. O’Cain reported that the wetlands had not been flagged and a lot of the property was swamp land.  He suggested the Board not approve this Form A for that reason.  Mr. Cohen then moved to disapprove this Form A plan for


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the reasons stated in Mr. O’Cain’s memorandum to the Board dated 5/2/06.  Seconded by Mr. Hauser and unanimously voted.


---SURETIES - Johnson’s Hollow (Burnt Bridge Rd.)  -  Mr. Cohen moved to  release the surety for this subdivision from $750.00 to $0.  Seconded by Mr. Hauser and unanimously voted.


---Mr. Bradley said that he would like to bring up the issue of how the Planning  Board is perceived at Town Meeting.   He said it was important to know in advance where the Board stood as a whole, and not have each member get up and give his/her individual opinion. 


          Mr. Cohen replied that he was prepared to address the Board’s article on behalf of the Board members.  However, if someone else wanted to do this, it would be OK with him also, as this was not a controversial article.


          Ms. Maniscalco said that she didn’t think the Town expected the Board to sit at Town Meeting when there is nothing on the Warrant that has to do with the Planning Board.  Mr. Bradley answered that there were some items that did need Board input, even though they may not specifically affect the Board.   Mr. Cohen suggested that in the future, the Board should go over the Warrant before Town Meeting and see is there is anything the Board would want to express a position on.  Ms. Maniscalco agreed and added that the Board should think about any ramifications any article may have. 


Mr. Hauser suggested there were a few items the Board should think about:  go through the Warrant and identify issues that are relevant to the Board and make a group decision on the Board’s position; or, follow the procedures of the Finance Committee, where if there is a split decision on the Board, the Board can report that it is a split decision and present a minority and majority position, presenting a more unified front. 


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          ---King Philip’s land acquisition – Mr. Lauenstein asked if the Board was going to take a position on the purchase of the parcel of land in the King Philips subdivision.  Ms. Maniscalco answered that the Board wasn’t ever given any concrete information that this parcel had any archeological value, so she didn’t think the Board could really take a position.  Mr. Hauser added that this issue was visited last year when the Housing Appeal’s Committee settlement agreement was made.  At that time there was no evidence presented that there had been a historical component.  The applicant worked with the Board to increase the buffer on the conservation land and not to build on specific elements of the parcel.  The Board agreed that its position on the proposed purchase of this parcel of land would be that the Board is not able to pass judgment on it, as there was not enough information available to make that decision.


---Mr. Bradley said that he would like to see the new Board secretary outfitted with a laptop computer so that she could plug into any information that may be needed during meetings.


VI.           There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.